There's a crack in everything......that's how the light gets in.
Dear Friends,
I was saddened to read of the death of Leonard Cohen.
I didn't have the privilege to hear him perform in person, nor did I grow up listening to his music,
but I have long been impressed with his ability to blend the deepest parts of Jewish tradition with American music. He has been a teacher to so many of us. His voice, his music gave us courage and hope when we were down, and inspiration for the road ahead.
Leonard knew he was dying and said so publicly. His final song "You Want it Darker" was a hauntingly beautiful midrash on the Mourners Kaddish. "Hineni, Hineni. I'm ready my Lord," he said. He knew that his work in the world was done. His music and blessings will certainly live on for all eternity.
I've been thinking that his words may help soothe the hearts of for those who are disappointed at the results of the election. "There is a crack in everything". This election has revealed to us the cracking of our country. What will the next four years bring? No one knows.
And yet, "magnified and sanctified be Your holy name." Even in times of trouble and despair.
"If it be Your will....from this broken hill I will sing to You."
Some of us feel that our country fundamentally changed this week. Some feel that's for the better, many are scared and fear for the worst. I'm sure there is truth on all sides. "If it be Your will....draw us near and bind us tight....all your children here."
That's my hope for our country, that each of us in our own way will draw others close, those we love and those whose opinions and political views are antithetical to ours. Only when all our voices can unite in song will we truly be one united country. Is that possible? I'd like to think so.
I'm reminded of a Hasidic story of a water-carrier who carries two large pots of water on his shoulders each day, back and forth from the river to the homes of the people. After many years, one of the pots developed a small crack and water would leak out of it. That pot became so embarrassed and filled with shame at its imperfection. Finally one day it cried out "Master, I cannot serve you, I am old and cracked. Throw me away and get yourself a stronger, whole pot." The water-carrier said to the pot: "I've known for a long time about the small imperfection. Have you noticed, however, that when we walk from the river to the homes, there are flowers on one side of the path and not the other? The water that leaks from your crack has been watering the flowers all this time, and those flowers give me strength and beauty on my walk. There's nothing wrong with you, and I'm so grateful for your service."
There is a crack in everything...that's how the light gets in.
I hope and pray that the cracks in the foundation of American democracy will reveal the light underneath. I pray that the American spirit will unite us even in the face of the unknown. I pray that these holy cracks in the soul of our country will allow us all to come together and surround it in light. I pray that all of us take part in the next steps of our country, and that from this broken hill, we can all sing to the Holy One.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Ilan
PS I'm of course looking forward to the Bar Mitzvah of Alec Feinman tomorrow. We'd love to have you join us in shul for the service. I'm also looking forward to my younger brother's wedding on Sunday - I'm leaving just after Shabbes and will be back on Wednesday. I'll be reachable in case of emergency if you need me, but will not be checking email while there. I'll be sorry to miss the Israel Festival this year - hope you enjoy it!
Thanks to all of you who came out for the first of our Israel speakers on Wednesday, and thanks to Penina and our Life Long Jewish Learning Committee for organizing. I was glad to hear about the great work Gesher does, and look forward to the next speakers in our series, and to our adult ed class on Israel beginning Tuesday night November 22nd. Please join us for a class looking at the Tribes of Israel - who's living in that beautiful country and how do they all find room for one another (or not)? Please join us at 7 pm on Tuesday the 22nd to begin the discussion. The class will continue for a number of weeks afterwards. We'll also be discussing the same material in Lunch and Learn - 1st and 3rd (and sometimes 5th) Thursdays at noon. Hope to see you there.
Kudos also to Illysa Wertheimer and her crew for another fabulous Beth Sholom Live! That was a great show and it was so nice to see many of you there. What a treat!