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Get Lost! - A Message From Your Rabbi

10/27/2016 06:53:55 PM


A Message from your Rabbi

October 27th, 2016                                                                                   26 Tishri, 5777


Dear Friends,

Get lost!
Rabbi, how could you possibly say such a thing? I thought you liked me?!?
I do like you - get lost anyway!
I'm kidding....sort of.

Yesterday I went on a 25-ish mile long bike ride. 
I'm trying to ride more - good exercise, and it helps me clear my head too.
I turned right on Humphreys and took it until the end of the road eight miles away in Collierville. 
I turned around to head back, and on my way I saw W.C. Johnson Park and decided to see if there were any bike lanes. I came across one that led into a forested area. I wasn't sure it was wise to go in, but when I saw two women riding their bikes out of the forest, I thought "well, if they can do it, so can I!"
I must have spent two hours in the forest by the time I was finished.
The scenery was stunning - trees, lakes, blue sky - it was picture perfect (you can see a few on my facebook page).
And I got myself incredibly lost. The trails weren't marked (as far as I know) and I rode around and around and ultimately couldn't find my way out. I asked a kind gentleman which way was out, and he gave me directions which I clearly didn't understand, so when I came across park employees riding around, I asked them and they directed me.  I actually saw the first gentleman on my way out and thanked him for his help.  Probably not his fault I didn't know what he said....
While I was alone in the forest, I thought about how we react to getting lost.
Given my poor sense of direction, I've been lost before, and in places a lot more desolate than that. I think you can learn a lot about people by how they handle getting lost.
Many people react in a highly stressed manner any time they take an unfamiliar turn.
Others are better able to roll with it and adjust as necessary.
Of course, each situation is different. If I'm on the way to an important meeting and i'm running late, odds are I'll be more frustrated than if I have time to spare. Thankfully, yesterday I was able to enjoy my time in the forest. Not only that, I consider it a blessing to have had the time there on a beautiful day.
At one point, I thought about using the maps feature on my phone to get myself out of the forest, though i'm not honestly sure it would've helped. 
I figured someone would come along eventually, and thankfully, I was right.
When was the last time you got lost and enjoyed the process?
The older I get, the more I realize that life is really about making the best with what happens to us. It's not necessarily what happens to us that's the key, it's how we choose to respond to it that makes all the difference.
I invite you all to join me in getting lost sometime.
Scientists say that many of us have "nature affective disorder", i.e. not enough time in the natural world. Scientists have also pointed out the healing and calming affects of spending time outdoors, unplugged, away from our phones, tablets, and assorted devices. Getting lost can be good for our health!
What do you think about when you're lost? I try to find beauty and inspiration wherever I am, even and especially when I'm lost.
Albert Einstein said that coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous.
I think I was supposed to get lost, to remind me to spend more time outdoors, more time amidst the beauty of God's creation. 
May we all have the courage to get out of our comfort zones and be lost for a while. 
May we be like our children, approaching the world with inquisitiveness and a sense of adventure. And while we're on the journey, may we find a bit more of ourselves in the process.
Tomorrow I'll be heading to Boston for the weekend. One of my closest friends is getting married on Sunday, and I'm looking forward to spending Shabbat with him, his fiance, and many dear friends. Unless I get lost somewhere, I'll be back on Tuesday, just in time for the JCC's Jewish Literacy festival, which looks great, as always. Of course, I'll be reachable by phone in case of emergency while I'm away, though I won't be checking email until I return. I'm grateful to all who are taking part in services in my absence. Sorry I'll miss Dan Unowsky's wonderful words of Torah, Geo and Alayne's Torah reading, Alvin's Haftarah, and Allen and Alec's davening. I'll also miss Hillel's annual Daniel Pearl concert, which I always enjoy. It takes place Sunday at 2:30 pm at the UC Theather at the University of Memphis. I'm told Geo will be one of the featured performers...
Apropos of my previous message about our holy objects, today I finished reorganizing the sanctuary. My thanks to Penina and our Hebrew Schoolers for getting the process started. I think I've figured out how to have the books in our seatbacks in the best position to not damage the spines. Please do your best to return them to the same positions after you use them on Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Ilan
For those who missed them, here are my High Holiday sermons.
I'm always happy to hear what you think of them... Hashanah 5777 Day 1.docx Hashanah 5777 Day 2.docx Nidrei 2016.docx Kippur morning 2016.docx





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Mon, January 13 2025 13 Tevet 5785