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Toward Shabbat: Showing Up

03/17/2023 09:27:38 AM


March 17th, 2023
24 Adar 5783
This week, in Parashat Vayakhel, we read about the Israelites finally building the Mishkan, the Tabernacle. We’ve beenRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Remembering Paul

03/10/2023 09:52:38 AM


March 10th, 2023
17 Adar 5783
This was a week that held a lot of loss. Yesterday, Topol passed away, and his legacy will forever be felt in the way tRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Conceal to Reveal

03/03/2023 08:58:08 AM


March 3rd, 2023
10 Adar 5783
When I first read an article this week about the prohibition on public drag performances in Tennessee, I actually thoughtRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Wide and Narrow

02/24/2023 09:39:47 AM


February 24th, 2023
3 Adar 5783
There is a way of navigating the world that is a constant flow of widening and narrowing. In my head I imagine this asRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Small Moments

02/17/2023 10:44:08 AM


February 17th, 2023
26 Shevat 5783
“Is this minutiae meaningful to you?” My friend Sarah, a rabbi in DC, asked me over a text earlier this week. IRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Earthly Covenant

02/10/2023 08:51:42 AM


February 10th, 2023
19 Shevat 5783
This past Monday on the Jewish calendar was Tu Bishvat, the birthday of the trees and the Jewish holiday that has Read more...

Toward Shabbat: Pausing in Song

02/03/2023 09:27:43 AM


February 3rd, 2023
12 Shevat 5783
The Song of the Sea, or in Hebrew known as Shirat haYam, is written out in the Torah in a way unlike any other passaRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Redemption

01/27/2023 09:52:59 AM


January 27th, 2023
5 Shevat 5783
A few weeks ago, I sat with a Principal of a local public school. They had wanted to meet with me to ensure that theyRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Shamati

01/20/2023 10:39:20 AM


January 20th, 2023
27 Tevet 5783
When we think of Biblical miracles, the Exodus story is where the action happens. Water turning into blood? Check! ARead more...

Toward Shabbat: Heschel, King, Exodus

01/13/2023 11:36:23 AM


January 13th, 2023
20 Tevet 5783
It’s one of those times when things seem to all converge, like the collapsing of time is teaching us something. 
Fri, January 3 2025 3 Tevet 5785