Shabbat Fun/Time Change & Passover Schedule
04/21/2016 09:49:02 AM
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April 13th, 2016
5 Nisan 5776
Dear Friends,
This will be a busy weekend at Beth Sholom.
In addition to Sisterhood's pre-Passover event this evening, and our regular Shabbat morning fun, we have a chance to do an institutional mitzvah this Shabbat morning. As in previous years, we are inviting you to help us pass out water and energy drinks to those taking part in the Youth Villages 5K race. It's been a lot of fun the...Read more...
Freedom Song & Passover
04/21/2016 09:47:59 AM
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April 12th, 2016
4 Nisan 5776
Dear Friends,
How do we prepare to celebrate Passover?
Beyond the cooking and cleaning, Passover reminds us of the need to tell the stories of our people, and the Haggadah tells us that in every generation we must see ourselves as if we personally experienced freedom from slavery.
The only way to do that is to be willing to examine our lives and identify where we are enslaved, and...Read more...
The Torah of Wrasslin'
04/21/2016 09:47:17 AM
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March 25th, 2016
15 Adar 2 5776
Dear Friends,
Happy day after Purim!
What a wonderful celebration we had here on Wednesday night and Thursday morning. My compliments to all who were involved in the PurimSpiel. It was lovely to see our young members retelling the Purim story in a new way. They were fabulous and i'm so glad Penina suggested we try this, and my thanks to Sharon Prager for helping, and our star directors...Read more...
Politics, Prayer, and Purim
04/21/2016 09:46:37 AM
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March 18th, 2016
8 Adar 2 5776
Dear Friends,
What a wonderful weekend we had at Beth Sholom last week!
It was lovely to see so many people here for a magnificent Shabbat dinner, and for a service that had everyone singing and dancing together. Many of you have expressed interest in more opportunities for music, for creative prayer, for an inspired, enthusiastic, joyful approach to Jewish life, and while we already do some...Read more...
Does Judaism Work? Help us Find Out!
04/21/2016 09:45:45 AM
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March 9th, 2016
29 Adar 1 5776
Dear Friends,
Does Judaism work? Does it help us flourish?
You may think those are strange questions coming from me.
My friends at CLAL, the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership are looking at Jewish life and practice using the tools of positive psychology to ascertain what impact Jewish practice has on our lives. The program is organized through their Rabbis Without...Read more...
My Day in Court
04/21/2016 09:44:37 AM
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February 26th, 2016
17 Adar 1 5776
Dear Friends,
Yesterday we lost a beloved member of our community.
Saul Kaplan was always a delight to be around, and Saul and Bene have given so much to our community over the years. He is already missed. Please note that the funeral on Sunday (at 1 pm) will be at Beth Sholom, following which we will move to the cemetery for burial. The family appreciates your help making minyan Sunday...Read more...
Yesterday's Fabulous Jewish Holiday You've Never Heard Of
04/20/2016 05:00:47 PM
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February 19th, 2016
10 Adar 1 5776
Dear Friends,
The best Jewish holiday you've never heard of happens once a year, on the 9th of Adar, which was yesterday. What is it, you ask, and why is it so fabulous? Good questions.
Yesterday was the 9th of Adar, which is now known as the Jewish Day of Constructive Conflict. Several thousand years ago, there were two main schools of Jewish law, the school of the house of Shammai...Read more...
Looking Forward to More Music at Beth Sholom
04/20/2016 04:58:12 PM
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February 12th, 2016
3 Adar 1 5776
Dear Friends,
I hear we had a great Beth Sholom turnout at Federation's Super Sunday last week - thanks to all who volunteered, and to all who pledged. Thanks also to so many of you who helped...Read more...
Why I am a Rabbi against Gun Violence (and Pro-Skydiving!)
04/20/2016 04:55:35 PM
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January 29th, 2016
19 Shevat 5776
Dear Friends,
A new group called Rabbis Against Gun Violence has taken form over the last few weeks. Originally started after the terrible tragedy in Newtown, CT, the group merged and shifted...Read more...
The Torah of Snow & Tu Bishvat
04/20/2016 04:47:08 PM
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January 22nd, 2016
12 Shevat 5776
Dear Friends,
SNOW! Oy gevalt! What's a Jew to do with snow on Shabbat?
Mon, January 13 2025
13 Tevet 5785
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Today's Calendar
: 6:00pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
: 6:00pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:55pm |
Shabbat Day
: 11:30am |
Havdalah : 6:04pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 17, 4:55pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 18, 6:04pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
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