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Toward Shabbat: for our Veterans

11/13/2020 10:11:59 AM


November 13th, 2020
26 Cheshvan 5781
Almighty God, on this day in 1918,
—11th day, 11th month, 11th hour of that day—
we signed the armistice to e

Toward Shabbat: Liminal Spaces

11/06/2020 08:57:13 AM


November 6th, 2020
19 Cheshvan 5781
This morning, I find myself feeling the uncertainty particular to inhabiting a liminal space. As the votes are stRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Our Voice

10/30/2020 10:05:00 AM


October 30th, 2020
12 Cheshvan 5780
This Shabbat before the presidential election, I am thinking about the ways our tradition encourages us to imagineRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Rainbows

10/23/2020 12:44:01 PM


October 23rd, 2020
5 Cheshvan 5781

I wonder what the experience was like for Noah, whose story we read in this week’s parashah. Noah endured the trRead more...

Toward Shabbat: the Mitzvah of Voting

10/16/2020 10:29:28 AM


October 16th, 2020
28 Tishrei 5781

When I went to vote this week, I was reminded of a story about the Chazon Ish, a 20th century Israeli rabbi. One Read more...

Toward Shabbat: Changes

10/09/2020 01:48:12 PM


October 9th, 2020
21 Tishrei 5781
Today, the 7th day of Sukkot, is a day with its own name: Hoshannah Rabbah. On this day, there’s a special (or bizRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Chaverim

10/02/2020 09:54:47 AM


October 2nd, 2020
14 Tishrei 5781
When we’ve spent so much more time in our homes than expected, Sukkot feels like a welcome change. The weather hRead more...

Toward Shabbat: the Justice

09/25/2020 10:39:14 AM


September 25th, 2020
7 Tishrei 5781
This whole week, I have been moved by the many tributes to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, z”l. Of course, she wasRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Shanah Tovah

09/18/2020 09:41:57 AM


September 18th, 2020
29 Elul 5780
Shanah Tovah, dear friends. It’s been quite a year. It’s been a challenging year, and it’s been a year whereRead more...

Toward Shabbat: Layers

09/11/2020 10:24:44 AM


September 11th, 2020
22 Elul 5780
The crux of the Yamim Nora’im (High Holy Days) is the process of teshuvah, a process of introspective reflection Read more...
Fri, January 10 2025 10 Tevet 5785